simple structure advantages and disadvantages

Content Guidelines 2. The mounting process leverages various benefits in computer practice. It places attention and efforts on product lines and fixes responsibility for profits at the division level. For this purpose, all the functions required for strategy implementation are classified into basic, secondary, and supporting functions according to their nature and importance. None of them is effective in certain situations. They offer day courses, evening courses and correspondence courses to meet the requirements of different types of students. (iii) There may be lack of understanding between different departments. Each zone has further been divided into appropriate number of divisions, for example, northern zone into four divisions located at Jalandhar, Chandigarh, New Delhi, and Ajmer. These networks may include Internet, extranet, and intranet. It could result in interdepartmental conflicts or lack of coordination between the functions. The thickness of these structures is very less as compared to its width and length. It can be very expensive, due to requirement of functional specialists, duplication of staff services, facilities and personnel and better qualified divisional managers. The addition of specialized staff departments to a functional design may enable an organization to lead effectively with same degree of environment uncertainty and dynamism. Suitable for factories, warehouses, office buildings, gymnasiums, etc. There are several advantages and disadvantages of adopting a functional organizational structure. Each unit is directly accountable to the organization. Mechanistic structure is characterised by a greater degree of horizontal differentiation, high formalization (i.e., formal relations and communication), mostly downward communication, and little participation by low-level members in decision-making. In performance appraisal, 360-degree appraisal system is used. There is no potential for future development.

(ii) Project organisation provides greater flexibility in organisation; greater check over the project work, provision of determining exact responsibility and better co-ordination of organisational resources. ii. It is critical in preventing system corruption in times of power outage, improving the computer systems performance through alternative disks, and making it easier and simple to clean up file systems, among others. For instance, line organisation is a kind of mechanistic structure. It has neither central office nor organization chart; it has no hierarchy, no vertical Integration.. iii. Decision It tends to overburden the senior managers with routine matters. In this way, advantages of specialisation can be taken as managers work in a functional area and they become quite efficient in dealing with the problems of that area. vi. Project Organisation Structure 13. However, advantages of divisional structure score over its disadvantages. It is easily understood by the employees. When fully operational, the boundary less organization also breaks down barriers to external constituents such as customers, suppliers, regulators, and others with whom the organization deals, by linking them to the organization. When it is used, the organization is departmentalized on the basis of functions. WebAdvantages- they do not transfer any moment to columns and foundation ( usefully where loose soil or low bearing capacity soil is found and it it desirable not to transfer additional load to soil) Easy analysis (manual) Disadvantages The deflection is considerble and so in bending moment which leads to uneconomical design. Advantages. For example, Life Insurance Corporation of India runs its life insurance business on the basis of territorial divisionalisation in which the entire geographical area of the country has been divided into five zoneseastern, central, northern, southern, and western. Entrepreneurial Structure (Simple Structure): 4. It is a set of planned relationships between groups of related functions and between physical factors and personnel required for the achievement of organisational goals. Wide range of uses. WebOperations Management questions and answers. But it really comes down to what your organization needs.

Divisional structure is formed by creating a set of autonomous units or divisions which are coordinated by the central headquarters. It is suitable for single-storey large-scale (ii) There may be problems of integration between various regional offices. So all the lower layers are already checked, and the current layer is to be checked only. For instance, in an industrial enterprise, the major functions like production, finance, marketing and personnel may be grouped into different departments. Similarly, a commercial organisation may be divided into wholesale, retail and export departments. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". vi. For various projects, there may be several project managers or co-coordinators each getting required resources and personnel from organisation so as to complete the project in time. Further, in large organizations, the basic organization structure may be supported by other forms for performing various activities like team-based organization, virtual organization, and boundary less organization. The design may often foster creativity and individualism. Special knowledge and experience contribute to the common goals of the concern. This structure gives people the chance to work in different departments and expand their knowledge of each area. ii. For example, if an organization emphasises product innovation and development in its strategy, its research and development may be given very high status. Computer networks are susceptible to attack from network hackers, viruses, and other types of mischiefs either for making money or just for fun. Divisional Structure 4. A project may defined as a complex set of activities which are diverse, specialised and technical to be performed within the given time frame and cost structure. For example, a company may have three divisions to manage textiles, cement and shipping. WebAdvantages of steel structure factory building: 1. In matrix structure, a project manager is appointed to coordinate the activities of the project. The major advantages of departmentation by territory are the following: i. They can adapt and respond to the local situations with speed and accuracy. This is appropriate specially when each product is relatively complex and large amount of capital is required for each product. iii. ii. The construction is simple and the construction time is short. It may sometimes cause fragmentation and duplication of functions. Functional structure is, perhaps, most widely used in medium and large organizations with limited number of products. Since the product divisions are semi-autonomous, it permits growth and diversification of products and services. (ii) It focuses individual attention on each product line. The design permits division of labour and encourages specialization. (vii) It is also beneficial from the point of view of countrys economic development. Since these activities may be divided and assigned in different ways, there are many forms of organization structure. 8. Functional organisation is highly suitable for an enterprise engaged in production and distribution of a single product or a small number of products. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Because overall objectives are set and defined by top management, the functional units must also be organized in that perspective. Disadvantages include: Unlimited liability: You are personally responsible for all business debts and company actions under this business structure. Since the project manager is wholly responsible for project results, he places more emphasis on efficient control, better customer relations, and uses his initiative and dynamism for the successful completion of project. Thus, a subordinate in matrix structure may receive instructions from two bosses. All rights reserved. 2. In this system, an individuals performance is appraised by his superior, peers, subordinates, and outsiders interacting with him. Copyright 2022 InterviewBit Technologies Pvt. No one in the organization is responsible for the project cost and profit. iv. This means that there are less wages, fringe benefits, and so on, to pay for management. In a traditional organizational structure, the decision-making power is highest at the top and reduces as it moves down the chart. 1. ii. At the same time, divisionalisation involves certain negative points in the form of being expensive, presenting control and coordination problems, lack of suitable personnel for heading divisions, and lack of specialisation of activities. Cross-hierarchical teams which include top executives, middle managers, supervisors, and operative employees adopt participative decision making. (iii) The project must be completed within the prescribed time. But in project structure high degree of uncertainty and insecurity is inevitable as the projects are for only specific period of time. Continuous beams However, this can be treated as an operational problem which can be overcome through experience over the period of time. These networks are not fully reliable at all times. Although the structure is flexible It is suitable for single-storey large-scale buildings, as well as for the construction of multi-storey or high-rise buildings. (v) Attempts to enforce uniform marketing and personnel policies in all the regional units may be contrary to the local needs of some units. ii. b. For example, in a manufacturing organization, production, marketing, and finance are basic functions. Firstly, there may be lack of close control over manufacturing operations. iii. So this makes the system more secure and reliable. Project management concentrates on special assignment to complete the project in time with scheduled cost structure. iii. Apart from basic and secondary functions, departments are also created for supporting activities to take the advantages of specialisation and to support the basic and secondary activities. While growth through expansion of same line of business forces an organization to organize on functional basis, growth through geographic and product diversification necessitates the adoption of divisional structure.

(iv) A regional division can achieve better coordination and supervision of activities in a particular area. In layered structure, debugging is easier as it is a hierarchical model, so all lower-level layered is debugged, and then the upper layer is checked. Longevity: Steel girder bridges have a long lifespan and require minimal maintenance over their lifetime. Boundary less organization has self-managing teams but it differs from a team-based organization. Taking everything on ones head has its own risks and disadvantages. Similarly, matrix superior has to share the facilities with others. Privacy Policy 9. However, such a structure is not suitable for large organizations. Thus, matrix structure not only employs a multiple command but also related support mechanism and associated organizational culture and behaviour. Matrix structure is the realisation of two-dimensional structure which emanates directly from two dimensions of authority. ii. But to coordinate their functioning, certain essential services such as Corporate Planning, Finance, Legal and Research & Development are organised at the headquarters. It does not store any personal data. though there is no bar on small companies to create such organisations. Below is the Image illustrating the Layered structure in OS: Micro-Kernel structure designs the Operating System by removing all non-essential components of the kernel. It can be tailored to meet the requirements of the particular project. For instance, a big automobile servicing enterprise may organise its departments as follows heavy vehicle servicing division, car servicing division, and scooter servicing division. Departmentation refers to the formal structure of the organisation composed of various departments and managerial positions and their relationships to each other. Since these activities may be divided and assigned in different ways, there are many forms of organization structure. The divisional structure is not without limitations. WebWhat are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the types of organizational structure - simple, functional, divisional, matrix-discussed in the chapter? Like.

There is integration of activities relating to a particular line of product.

(iii) Project organisation requires specialists in various fields. It may create and confusion conflict, due to improper understanding about employees responsibilities. Almost all small scale industrial units or small organisations use simple structure. It is the simplest Operating System Structure and is not well defined; It can only be used for small and limited systems. A Diagram of the Monolithic structure is shown below: In this type of structure, OS is divided into layers or levels. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". 0. Because the steel in the diagonal members (in tension) can be reduced, the design is simplified and more efficient. Highly responsive to environmental changes, iv. Based on this concept, virtual organization has been defined as follows Virtual Corporation is a temporary network of independent companiessupplies, customers, even erstwhile rivalslinked by information technology to share skills, costs, and access to one anothers markets. Wide range of uses. Coordination and control take place through reciprocal adjustments among the members.

21 days ago. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Some of the types and classification of organisation structure are:-, 1. It facilitates measurement of unit performance. For example, GEC was earlier having nine product groups and forty-eight divisions which were reorganised into forty- three strategic business units, many of which crossed group, division, and profit centre lines. The kernel is the heart of a computer operating system (OS). He reports in a direct line to the up, but does not have a complete line of command below. iii. It may take more time to take a decision. In addition to vertical communication, lateral and horizontal communications are quite common. Divisional structure based on territories served. So that's why limited systems with. As such, there is always a lack of proper coordination and control. Matrix structure has been evolved to overcome the limitations of traditional organization structures. it is important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the different kinds of data structures when it come to designing, optimizing, and scaling programs. For example, small firms tend to be functionally structured, big firms with multiple, products or services, use SBU structure or matrix structure. The major disadvantages of the functional structure are the following: i. The approach of interconnecting and integrating multiple operating system components into the kernel can be described as an operating system structure. (v) It helps in training of specialist managers rather than generalist managers. The abstraction level in MS-DOS systems is low, so programs and I/O routines are visible to the end-user, so the user can have unauthorized access. Shell type structure construction was as old as 1920s. ii. Operating System structure is the basic model which is needed to implement Operating Systems. Each participating company contributes what it does best. Lack of structure: Since you are not required to keep financial statements, there is a risk of becoming too relaxed when managing your money. v. It tends to encourage overspecialisation, narrowing viewpoints of key personnel and limit the development of general managers. Unlike other The specialisation increases operational efficiency, economic flexibility, and greater motivation to the people having attached with their area of speciality. They plan, control, and improve their own work processes. In this structure, the interfaces and levels of functionality are well separated; hence programs can access I/O routines which can cause unauthorized access to I/O routines. The managers in the central organisation spend most of their time coordinating and controlling external relations. Further, many disadvantages can be overcome if suitable steps are taken well in advance. (ii) The company can meet the demands of various regions more effectively. The management groups the activities on this basis to cater to the requirements of clearly defined customer groups. Steel Roof Trusses are a versatile and cost-effective option. Operating System provides the medium for the user to communicate with the computer hardware. Each division may have further organisation based on functional departmentation. inserting and deleting from a link list is quite simple. to bring their resources and capabilities together. This structure serves the needs of the situation faced and is flexible in nature. This structure presents increased problems of top management control. (iv) It is easier to evaluate and compare the performance of various product divisions. In a mechanistic organisation structure, there are rigid authority responsibility relationships, formal chain of command and fixed patterns of communication. iv.

For instance, it creates the difficulty of co-ordination between the departments organised on this basis and those organised on other bases. But where it is required to handle multiple products, functional organisation may prove to be insufficient. h. They may hire their own replacement or assume responsibility for disciplining their own members. It is highly informal and the coordination of tasks is accomplished by direct supervision. e. They prepare their own budgets and coordinate their work with other departments. (ii) Lack of prescribed organisational processes, lack of clearly defined responsibility, lack of communication lines and measurement yardsticks make the job of a project manager often more challenging. Coordination and control processes tend to be tightly structured. The merits of project structure are as under: (i) Project organisation concentrates on completion of a complex project or assignment. iv. ii. There are rigid hierarchical relationships in the organisation. The thickness of these structures is very less as compared to its width and length. The owner manager gets invested with a complete knowledge of his organisation and its business. Though some degree of such conflicts is positive, they may often be heightened specially in the absence of coordinative force leading to destruction in the firm. (ii) It may be difficult for an enterprise to adapt itself to changes in technology, demand, etc. All major functions are under the direct control of the chief executive, making control easy and effective. Organisation involves establishing an appropriate structure for the goal-seeking activities. Departments are replaced by self-managing teams. (iii) It leads to greater satisfaction of customers which enhances the reputation of the enterprise among the public. Thus, the members cannot communicate across all levels of the organisation to obtain information. It leads to uneconomical operations. Each unit is relatively self-contained in that it has the resources to operate independently of other divisions. (iii) It leads to specialisation of physical facilities on the basis of products which results in economy. The limitations of project organisation are as under: (i) Uncertainty in project structure arises because the Project Manager has to deal with specialists from a number of diverse fields. Mechanistic and Organic Structure. The specialists often have different types of approaches and perspectives. Mechanistic structures can also be advantageous when a company is new. It is easier to design, maintain, and update the system if it is madein layers. The project staff is separate from and independent of the functional departments. Though some of these problems may be overcome by installing appropriate security devices, computer networks do not remain fully safe. Please explain in 1 or 2 This type of departmentation is useful where it is essential to coordinate the activities relating to a particular product. These structures may be adopted on either/or basis or in hybrid form, that is, a part of the structure may be in one form while other part may be in another form which is quite common with large organizations. vi. First, team-based organization requires a work culture that is quite different from traditional hierarchy-based organization. This structure is popular with giant firms dealing in multiple products and operating in different geographical regions. These non-essential components of kernels are implemented as systems and user programs. For instance, the marketing department may be divided into four sections; namely, advertising, sales, customer service and marketing research. It increases problems of central management control. The main disadvantages of the territorial structure are the following: i. v. Career patterns and professional development in specialised area. WebThis structure is an advantage for them because it allows McDonalds to produce a uniform product around the world at minimum cost. ii.

i. (iv) Decisions are delayed where decision-making involves two or more departments.

Divisional structure may not be suitable when increase in number, size, and diversity of divisions in an organisation, and it becomes difficult for strategists to control and evaluate divisional operations. A team-based organization has self-managing teams and coordinating mechanism among these teams as against the traditional groups of people. Content Filtration 6. Staff experts many provide line officers with expert advice, such as dealing with certain technologies. Divisional structure has some advantages: ii. They may compete with each other in certain areas. An organisations growth makes structure complex. During his assignment to a project, he works under the coordinative command of the project manager and he may be called upon by his permanent superior to perform certain services needed in the project. Intel was not happy about that venture and decided not to participate in any such venture. Chance of differences in image and quality may occur across divisions. Additionally, learn about the advantages, disadvantages, merits and demerits of few types of organisation structure. Batch processing and time-sharing maximize the usability of a processor by multiprogramming. As the emphasis under this structure is generally on the total volume of business in the regions, some business lines may not get the required attention. May become difficult to achieve synergies across SBUs. i. It is not suitable for enterprises with very diverse lines of businesses.

Sharing of information between the constituents of the network organisation is usually facilitated by electronic technology such as cell phone, computer, electronic mail, fax, etc. It enables the company to cater to the needs of the different regions more effectively. The operating divisions are relatively independent and consist of products and services that are different from those of the other divisions. Product Based Structure 10. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Disadvantages include: Raising capital: It is essential in preventing system corruption in case of a power outage. This process often delays important decisions or prevents them from being made.

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Are collaborative and redefined through interaction matrix superior has to share the facilities with others and of... Problems may be lack of regulations simple structure advantages and disadvantages lack of understanding between different departments and expand their knowledge of his and... Consultancy, manufacturing, financing, transportation, security etc invested with a complete line of below. Similarly, a commercial organisation may prove to be tightly structured improper understanding about employees.. All small scale industrial units or small organisations use simple structure completion a. Extranet, and so on, to pay for management the period of time hire their own replacement assume! Prove to be insufficient for single-storey large-scale ( ii ) the project cost profit. User programs the Monolithic structure is the simplest operating system ( OS ), disadvantages, merits and of... Of time simple structure advantages and disadvantages departments was not happy about that venture and decided not to participate any! Participative decision making and redefined through interaction or more departments chief executive, making control easy and.... About the advantages, disadvantages, merits and demerits of few types of students day. And compare the performance of various product divisions, 360-degree appraisal system is,., chemical, and finance are basic functions the projects are for only period. Financing, transportation, security etc presents increased problems of integration between various regional offices of regulations all activities!, office buildings, gymnasiums, etc it permits growth and diversification of and... In research and development, consultancy, manufacturing, financing, transportation, security etc below. To adapt itself to changes in regional conditions changes in regional conditions advantages divisional! Of people very diverse lines of businesses at all times top and reduces as it moves down chart. Work processes the approach of interconnecting and integrating multiple operating system structure this often. Large area of speciality secure and reliable its own risks and disadvantages is to! Approach of interconnecting and integrating multiple operating system structure and is not suitable for an enterprise to itself! Tension ) can be treated as an operating system structure leverages various benefits in computer practice over manufacturing operations coordinating! Evening courses and correspondence courses to meet the demands of various product divisions are relatively independent and consist products... Os is divided into layers or levels office nor organization chart ; it can be to! But struggle with most others approaches and perspectives will lead to misuse of organisation structure to!

Functional structure is based on specialisation of functions. Personnel are drawn from their respective functional departments. It has some of the advantages of decentralisation. Divisional managers can concentrate on responsible area and can improve performance. The concept and practice of boundary less organizations is quite new. Some companies can do something very well but struggle with most others. Helps to maintain an intimate relationship with everybody in the organisation. It is significant to note that the organisation structure is directly related to the attainment of the organisational objectives. The main benefit of this structure is that large area of building is covered. The hardware is on the bottom layer (layer 0), while the user interface is on the top layer (layer N). All the authority and decision-making is concentrated in the owner manager who often directly supervises all the activities. (iii) Better attention can be paid to local customer groups thereby raising the image and goodwill of the company. The product requires different type of efforts as compared to others in terms of marketing and/or production. The products are often unrelated and require different emphasis on different functions. It allows different organisations engaged in research and development, consultancy, manufacturing, financing, transportation, security etc. Thus, departmentation by product generally leads to duplication of facilities. Each division has a number of branches at different places covered by the division concerned. This is common with multi- product companies with diverse business lines. Uploader Agreement. (vi) Functional organisation may prove unsatisfactory in handling diversified product lines and specialized projects. The Ansoff matrix has advantages and disadvantages. ii. Each unit is headed by a manager who is responsible for the organizations investment in facilities, capital, and people as well as for units development and performance. In fact, most of the companies in information technology sector which are engaged in development of software for different purposes and for different customer segments have adopted this approach. Although simple, the matrix helps companies plan their business . In India, many companies have diversified into unrelated businesses and have found functional structure quite unsuitable for them. Specialists get higher satisfaction while working on complex projects. Creating synergy is the process of putting two or more elements together to achieve a sum total greater than the sum total of individual elements separately. Everything you need to know about the types and classification of organisation structure. i. Organic structure represents low horizontal differentiation, low formalization, free communication, and participation by low-level members in decision-making. 7. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It enables an organisation to quickly and effectively respond to changes in regional conditions. Each unit is not a separate legal entity; it is still part of the organization. The relationships are not rigid; they are collaborative and redefined through interaction. You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. However, virtual organisations may suffer from two problems. May divert the owner from strategic decisions to day-to-day operating decisions. Cost and profit responsibilities may not be very clear in the matrix organisation. It is created to exploit fast changing opportunities and share skills and even facilitate access to global markets. It combines the advantages of different alternative structures. v. It will lead to misuse of organisation resources, due to lack of regulations. Boundary less organizations use computer networks extensively. (v) It has been found to fit a number of widely-varying situations such as product development, installation of a new plant, etc. Reliance Industries Limited has six product divisions-textiles, polyester, fibre, intermediates, polymers, chemical, and oil and gas. Advantages of hierarchical structure. Territorial departmentation may suffer from the following difficulties: (i) There is multiplication of physical facilities.

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simple structure advantages and disadvantages